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MenuLock v1.01
© Copyright 1991 Jaba Development
Written with DICE C v2.6 by
Jan van den Baard
Based on commodity code by Stefan Sticht (FISH 497)
The author is NOT responsible for the suitability or accuracy of this
documentation and/or the program(s) it describes. Any damage directly or
indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the
program(s) it describes is the sole responsibility of the user her/him self
MenuLock v1.01, © Copyright 1991 Jaba Development. All rights reserved.
This program may be distributed non-commercially only providing that the
executable, source code, documentation and copyright notices remain
unchanged and are included with the distribution. This program is FREEWARE
so no financial donation is necessary ( but welcome ). Send me a postcard
of your hometown if you use this program.
Have you ever browsed through the menus of a program and released the menu
button over the wrong item? Or have you got an old mouse of which it's menu
button is broken or worn out? If so this might be the program you need.
MenuLock is a commodity which enables the user to "lock" the menu strip of
a window at the touch of a few keys. It's possible to start MenuLock from
either the Shell or the Workbench. The following arguments are possible:
PRIORITY=<pri> - With this argument it's possible to set the
commodity it's priority in the commodities queue.
Default : 0
LOCK=<hotkey> - This enables you to set your own hotkey (See below)
to lock the menu strip.
Default : rcommand down
UNLOCK=<hotkey> - This enables you to set your own hotkey (See below)
to unlock the menu strip.
Default : rcommand up
QUIT=<hotkey> - This enables you to set your own hotkey (See below)
to quit the commodity.
Default : lshift control q
Here are some examples of how you can start MenuLock from the Shell:
Run MenuLock LOCK="lalt l" UNLOCK="lalt u"
Run MenuLock QUIT "lcommand esc"
NOTE: You have to "Run" or "RunBack" MenuLock when you start it from the
Shell. This is because DICE does not have an auto detach "_main.c".
(Maybee I'll hack my own some day.....)
You must specify the arguments via the tooltypes array of the program it's
icon when it's started from the Workbench. When you start MenuLock from
the WBStartup drawer you must specify the DONOTWAIT tooltype.
Input Description Strings (HotKeys):
The Input Description String (HotKeys) has the following template:
<qualifier> [qualifier] [...] <key>
qualifier: lshift left shift key
rshift right shift key
shift either shift key
capslock capslock key
caps shift or capslock key
control control key
lalt left alt key
ralt right alt key
alt either alt key
lcommand left amiga key
rcommand right amiga key
numericpad key on numericpad
rbutton right mouse button
midbutton middle mouse button
leftbutton left mouse button
newprefs change in preferences
diskremoved disk ejected
diskinserted guess what.....
key f1 -> f10 function keys
up cursor up key
down cursor down key
left cursor left key
right cursor right key
help help key
del delete key
return return key
enter enter key
backspace backspace key
esc escape key
space space key
comma comma key
upstroke key released
a -> z, 0 -> 9 normal ansi keys
Choose your keys carefully when other commodities are running.
MenuLock needs atleast Kickstart 2.0 V36++ to run.
Error return codes.
MenuLock doesn't print information to the screen when something didn't work.
You can figure out what went wrong by checking the return code with this
20 MenuLock wasn't able to open the libraries it so desperatly needs.
21 MenuLock wasn't able to create a message port for the communication.
22 The broker could not be setup. This could mean that another commodity
is running which has the same name as MenuLock.
23 MenuLock wasn't able to setup it's HotKey filters. This probably
means that you have fed MenuLock wierd HotKey strings.
24 There was an error detected if the commodity objects with CxObjError.
25 MenuLock wasn't able to setup the InputEvent structures to emulate
the mouse menu button.
26 MenuLock wasn't able to setup it's Translate objects. This probably
means that you have fed MenuLock wierd HotKey strings.
27 You passed MenuLock wierd arguments in the Shell.
V1.00 (15-Sep-1991) 5784 bytes.
- Initial release
V1.01 (22-Sep-1991) 5168 bytes.
- MenuLock now uses the Dos routine "ReadArgs()" for parsing the
arguments when run from the Shell.
- By-Passed the main from c.lib to trim some bytes off the executable.
Bug reports, flames, etc. to me at the following address.
Jan van den Baard
Bakkerstraat 176
3082 HE, Rotterdam
Fido: 2:500/29 (Jan van.den.Baard)